21 Ways to Showcase your Expertise

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This is Jane Gardner and welcome to finding your purpose to the TV today going to be talking about credibility and some of the ways that you can be seen as an expert so we are going to talk about that right about now so let’s get our presentation up so how we can improve that you’re an expert in your field how I got him increase your credibility have consistent credibility in your business while here’s some 21 ideas to be seen as the expert so this try the first one what’s the first one on the first one is create a Facebook page become a part of your fans every day life so they see you in the feed answer simple customer service questions build confidence in you for potential customers then you could also course do the same thing on your website you could also create a frequently asked question section on your website and demonstrate your expertise by answering some of the simple questions that seem to come up every day with your business services or product and deal with them and in terms of having them there as frequently asked questions he can be seen as the X expert and reassure your customers that you know what they need you can also provide contact information on your website prove your will person make sure all your income information can be verified avoid using PO Box numbers provide a phone number and sky panel at work and provide more than one way to contact you and of course have your email there on your website as well as on your web page on Facebook I did number four you can use strong branding so to let people easily recognize you as being who you are use repetitive elements to solidify your brand when you’re posting in the newsfeed on Facebook on your website so it’s good to have the same colours so people recognize who you are you can be professional always focus on your client or customer pay attention to details always look for a way to take things one step further express yourself coherently on your website make sure everyone knows what you stand for and stand again what you are willing to do what you’re not willing to do give yourself the mom test which your mom approve of what you’re saying on your website or Facebook page or your other social media would your mom recognize your voice in your website content are you using language that very summer to who you are because it’s no good once you start getting out there and showing your face to have not have a consistent look and feel sound to your website and not have the same everywhere else you fill on your social media so with equal speech using one promoting products and choosing JV partners always make sure that you are enthusiastic about whatever you might promote and make sure that you’re happy with the service that people get with the JV partners that you might pursue answer your customers and clients questions authoritatively and helpful is the best way to show your expertise and use targeted press releases paid to position your news release and major news services media services like PRNewswire can wire can reach your target market while guarding global reach it’s about time for me to send out a press release about finding your purpose TV which I haven’t done yet so this is a great reminder number 10 is gather recommendations from industry peers and fellow experts and make sure the endorsement is relevant to your audience they’re not going to care if your doctor likes what you do I did number 11 give samples it can be a trial sample or can be free samples are a light version of your product or they can try it out for a week or two your sample should leave people wanting to buy more or to actually buy your product invest in quality every part of your business should project professionalism and quality you should have a very sound-based guarantee in terms of whether or not your customers are happy hundred percent back hundred percent quality guaranteed these will be some of the ways she will ships show you an expert and not a fly-by-night dig into your past for expert connections many people are flattered that you remember them and want their endorsement you could write a book produce top-quality professional men’s manuscript per correctly formatted and thoroughly approved and no spelling problems and you will be seen as an expert any time you show your cover of your book so blessed to date review knows why I don’t care what you in the note would have to edit this out soliciting solicit reviews offer review copies of your product can always ask for review show photos of your business on your website can also be done for online businesses and offers proof to your potential customers introduce your team use head shots and bio blurbs be consistent with the photos and focus the bias and how your team can help the reader network network network beat meet people in person at conferences workshops community events and mastermind retreat or online on zoom say hello online be positive come up with solutions for bad conditions show people how you handle pressure positively don’t complain on social media there to share share share provide valuable information people can use immediately will make them pay for every tip or bit of information that you give and 21 seek feedback all the time from your customers clients your industry JV partners and you want another pair of eyes can see glaring mistakes that we often miss so these are just some of the 21 ideas they could have for when you set up your business website and do any social media on how you can show that you are credible expert in what you do and I hope these are very useful for you and will see you next time

#credibility #expertise #expert #value #confidence
